12,000 citizens of Gurbi, Ghana, currently face the risk of thirst, hunger, and disease. Since the government built drinking water facility broke down many months ago, families have been forced, again, to travel 30-90 minutes multiple times per day to gather murky, disease-carrying water from the Daka river. Normally rain-fed local farms and food gardens didn’t get January rains this year, so food stores are low. Phase 1 of our project addresses those immediate needs for a portion of the community.

Project type?
Water. Installation of solar-powered and plant-based drinking water and gravity-fed drip irrigation system.
COVID-19 projects: in which of the following categories does the project fall under?
Community sustainability & resilience. Provision of critical life resources.
What will we achieve? (objectives)
Phase 1: Safe (meets U.S. EPA drinking water standards), affordable (EUR 0.02/liter), convenient (meets UNSDG#6 goal maximum 30 minutes round trip water gathering) drinking water for 20% of the community. Provides for 4 season food harvests via gravity fed drip irrigation to 10 acres community-owned farmland.
How will we do it?
Simple design. Solar-powered plant-based drinking water purification process; multiple cashless drinking water and household water distribution points; sanitary latrines; gravity fed drip irrigation to 5 acres community farmland.
Community engagement. Experienced community appointed Project Leader. Coordination with local and regional Community Water and Sanitation Committee (CWSA).
Why is it a good thing (For society, beneficiaries, Grundfos)
Society and Beneficiaries. Provision of safe affordable drinking water and Daka river water irrigation decreases risk of waterborne illnesses like cholera, forestalls the “hungry months”, and creates the opportunity for growth of local cottage industries, rising household incomes, and gender equality in education.
Grundfos. Use of Grundfos logoed equipment buys good will and facilitates future market penetration.
How will you activate PDJF donation (towards employees, local community, customers)
Local Community and Customers. Good signage including Project Plan milestones and bottlenecks. Community wide project updates delivered by Mr. Ignatius Denteh. Local outreach and implementation by the Community Development representatives and the Gurbi Water Team. Ruling Council of Chiefs establishes permanent WASH Water Committee for rate setting, subsidy granting.
Grundfos Employees. Social media support progress stories, videos.
How will the project/activities be anchored?
Physically. The project will take place in the peninsula town of Grubi in North Central Ghana purifying surface water from the Daka River.
Socially/Politically. The Project is co-sponsored by the Governing Council of Elders, Blue Gold Works Inc., and Green Gold Ghana. Project Plan is managed by Mr. Ignatius Denteh, and implemented with the help of the Community Development representatives and the Gurbi Water Team. CWSA representatives monitoring.
How many people will be beneficiated by the grant?
12,000+ (2020) to 20,000+ (2023)
Project Period Start Date?
Project Period End Date?
How will the project be evaluated?
Phase 1 goals and objectives for percentage of the community served safe, affordable, convenient drinking water and acreage irrigated detailed above, Written Project start, mid-point, and completion reports shared locally and with all co-sponsors including Grundfos.
Project Communication Contacts?
Mrs. Lynn Langford, CEO Blue Gold Works Inc.
lynn@bluegoldworks.com, WhatsApp +1 415 517 5186 California, US
Mr. Clement (Kwaku) Matorwmasen, CEO Green Gold Ghana (organic Moringa products for export), Regional Council of Elders representative
kwakuclement@gmail.com, WhatsApp +233 24 753 0020
Mr. Ignatius Denteh, Project Coordinator for Gurbi community, Regional Council of Elders representative, WhatsApp +233 24 459 1443
Gurbi Community Development Team, contact Mr. Ignatius Denteh.
Mr. Xorlali Yao-Kuma Kpodo, Grundfos Ghana, xkpodo@grundfos.com