Newsletter 2024-25
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Download our latest project updates and newsletter below: Download Newsletter
It’s a wonderful opportunity to share with you yet another year gone, as we wrap up the year with good wishes and blessings, we like to share with you some of the activities we have done together, View the Newsletter Online View the Newsletter PDF Download print version Thank you for all your support and following […]
Government Supports Green Gold S.E developmental projects. As part of preparation towards extension of electricity from the community to Green Gold Social Enterprise site at Zongo Machiri in the Krachi Nchumuru District, the Member of Parliament for Krachi Nchumuru constituency in collaboration with the District Assembly has presented fifteen electric poles worth Nine Thousand Ghana […]
There are some incredible benefits of moringa oil, such as its ability to reduce oxidative stress, eliminate inflammation, moisturize and exfoliate the skin, protect the immune system, reduce blood pressure, detoxify the body, slows the ageing process, speeds healing, fights dandruff, and aids sleep. However, there are some side effects to this oil, such as stomach upset, skin irritation, and potential complications […]
Moringa Oleifera, known popularly as drumstick tree, is a tropical plant grown for its nutritious leafy greens, flower buds, and mineral-rich green fruit pods. It is a well-recognized member of the Moringaceae family of trees and thought to be originated in the sub-Himalayan forests of the Indian subcontinent. It possesses horseradish-like root and, hence, known to the western world […]
Almost all the entire moringa tree can be eaten. You can eat the Moringa leaves, flowers, pods and even the Moringa seeds(dont eat too many seeds) Moringa Juice Mix moringa in a juice, milkshake. Honey works well to mask the taste. Add only half a teaspoon of Moringa to juice to prevent spoiling the taste. […]
HOW TO USE MORINGA POWDER AND OIL TO PROMOTE HEALTHY HAIR GROWTH Finding natural remedies for healthy hair growth is a must when you return to natural hair. Those who are unfamiliar with health and herbs will find that world to be quite amazing, especially once you learn all of the grand benefits that come along […]
Last Sunday (13-08-2017) we had the opportunity to share the progress and challenges of our work with the members of New Life Christian Fellowship in Rotterdam. We are very blessed to receive the continued spiritual and financial support from our Christian family. It really helps to lift our spirits and continue with our work with […]
Green Gold social enterprise has been able to drill a borehole in Zongo Macheri. The borehole will provide safe and clean drinking water not only for our moringa farm, but also for the community. A small step in the right direction. We believe that business and the realization of social goals CAN and SHOULD go […]
Green Gold social enterprise has been able to drill a borehole in Zongo Macheri. The borehole will provide safe and clean drinking water not only for our moringa farm, but also for the community. A small step in the right direction. We believe that business and the realization of social goals CAN and SHOULD go […]